the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
With midterms beginning a week from Monday, you can help
your children create a schedule for studying to avoid cramming the
night before each exam. Though there will be some regular tests
Monday through Wednesday this week, their studying this weekend and
next week beginning with Wednesday afternoon should be organized in
a way that your child is only reviewing the night beforehand.
This is an important lifeskill which will help your child both in
college and in the workplace.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Week in Review |
Saturday night's Doubleheader against Hebrew
Academy was a success (in every area other than
basketball!). Over $500 was raised for Magen David Adom from
entrance fees and sales of refreshments. The captains of the
varsity teams led the large crowd of student and parent fans
in Tehillim in the wake of Friday night's attack on a yeshiva
in Israel by Palestinian terrorists. The atmosphere on and off
the court was appropriate for a competition between two
In this awesome photo, freshman Jonathan Struhl gives
his all in a shot against the defensively strong Hebrew
Academy as teammate freshman Josh Goldberg looks on.
42 out of the 50 freshmen traveled Monday night with Rabbis
Spodek and Schneider to the American Airlines Arena in Miami
to see the Miami Heat defeat the Atlanta Hawks (see
picture at top right). The students were thrilled to appear a
number of times on televsion. Jordan Liebor was selected to go
on to the court during half time to shake hands with all the
players. Afterwards, the buses dropped the students off in
NMB, Hollywood and Boca.
The North Miami Beach Committee for YHS met on
Monday night to plan the upcoming shabbaton for YHS' NMB
families. Due to conflicts raised at the meeting, the date is
now tentatively Shabbat Zachor, March 14-15.
Coming Week at YHS |
Monday, January 6- The College Kick-Off program for
Juniors and their parents with Mrs. Judi Robinovitz has
been moved one half hour later to 8:30 PM to accomodate
parents and students attending the girls basketball game that
Wednesday, January 8- YHS Tzedakah Project of the
Month presentation by Yad L'achim.
On Wednesday evening, mothers and daughters who purchased
tickets through the school will be going to see Les
Miserables at the Jackie Gleason Theater in Miami Beach.
On Friday, January 10, prolific author and entertaining
speaker Rabbi Aaron Rakefet will be speaking to the
entire student body regarding the question "Was Rabbi
Soloveitchik Modern Orthodox?"
To help students prepare for midterms, there
will be no tests on this Thursday and Friday and no mishmar on
Thursday night, January 9 and Sunday morning, January 12.
Elite Israeli Soldiers in Gaza Answer YHS
Students' Letters |
Much to our surprise, the soldiers of the elite Givati
Shaked Brigade answered our letters (most in Hebrew, some in
English). Excerpts of the letters to the left are..
Dear Regina (Allouche),
Hi, My name is Samuel Sakakibana. I can't tell you how
much your letter touched me. It's not everyday that a soldiers
in Gaza gets to read a letter from the States....
I thank you for writing such a strengthening letter and
hope that some day we will meet.
Dear Josh (Levy),
My name in Eran Cohen. I live in Tel Aviv and I am
presently serving in the Givat Brigade Shaked...
The army's daily conflict with the Palestinians is
involved and difficult to solve, we are facing armed civilians
of all ages, not an organized army like ours...
The State of Israel very much wants peace and
friendship with its neighbors...
Thank you,
Eran Cohen
Upcoming Events at YHS |
After midterms (Monday-Thursday, January 13-16), we
will be on mid-year recess, returning to school on
Monday, January 27.
On the evening of Wednesday, January 29, Parent Teacher
Conferences will take place. From 8:30-9:30 PM, there will
be an optional College Finance Planning Seminar open to
parents of students in all grades. A sign up form can be
printed from the link on the right hand side of this page.
After filling it in, please fax or mail it to the school
Rabbi Menachem Liebtag, whose expertise in Tanach
has become world renowned through his shiurim to American
students at post secondary programs in Israel and particularly
his web site, will be giving shiurim in school to the students
and teachers on Monday, February 10. That evening he will be
speaking at the Young Israel of Hollywood at a jointly YHS/
Young Israel Aduilt Education Committee lecture.
The YHS production of the musical "Annie" will take
place on the evenings of Tuesday, February 25 and Wednesday,
February 26 at the Crescent Theater in Delray Beach. Director
Liz Saddler and the entire cast and crew have been hard at
work on what promises to be an excellent performance.
Turn on the Heat |
Mordechai, Emily Samuel, Yoni Stern,
Ziyona Rantz, Amy Milin, Yael Hirth enjoy Monday night's
outing to the American Airlines Arena in Miami.